Hi Friends!
I originally started this business to help others through their difficulties in life…pain, trauma, worry, grief, busy-ness. Life can be difficult. I’d love to share some insights from the book, Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge:
I love this passage. Beauty is not outside - beauty is inside. The more we grow in our faith, the more beautiful we become. My friend, if you are in a painful season, direct your gaze to our loving Father, God. Seek HIM for resilience and the restoring of your soul.
REMINDER: I hope you can join me next Saturday, March 23 at 10:00 AM PST on Facebook for a live event. I need your help in selecting the final journal design. My final printer is done and I HOPE the 2 journals will be here by Saturday. If not, I have a video I will share. Click the button below to let me know you will come!
Virtual Journal Reveal! Click here. |
Also, I need help spreading the word. Please invite your friends!